Sohonke SARASHINA-HORII, Azabu Juban Honten – 総本家 更科堀井 麻布十番本店 

Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問

On a weekday morning in late autumn in October, I suddenly thought of having lunch at this highly rated restaurant, Sohonke Sarashina-Horii, Azabu Juban Honten (Main Branch), and decided to go and line up before it opened. When I arrived after 11:00, the restaurant was already open, and I was lucky enough to be able to enter at the same time as the store opened. I will introduce the dishes and impressions of the restaurant here.

晩秋の10月のある平日の朝、私は評価が高いこのお店「総本家 更科堀井 麻布十番本店」でランチを食べようとふと思い、開店前に行って並ぶことにしました。11時過ぎに到着すると、既に開店しており、私は運よく開店と同時に入ることが出来ました。

Sohonke SARASHINA-HORII, Azabu Juban Honten – 総本家 更科堀井 麻布十番本店

Dishes I odered – 私が頼んだ料理

I had a hard time choosing which one to order, but “Koebi-Tenmori” seemed to be recommended, so I ordered it by changing the soba to 100% buckwheat soba.


“Koebi-Tenmori” – 小海老天もり

“Koebi-Tenmori” (small prawn tempura and “Mori” soba). The “Mori” soba was changed to “Juwari” soba (100% buckwheat soba) by order.

“Koebi-Tenmori” – 小海老天もり

“Juwari-Soba” (100% buckwheat noodles) – 十割そば

“Juwari-Soba” (100% buckwheat noodles) – 十割そば
Closeup of “Juwari-Soba” (100% buckwheat noodles) – 十割そばのクローズアップ

Small prawn tempura – 小海老天

Small prawn tempura – 小海老天
Closeup of Small prawn tempura – 小海老天のクローズアップ

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯
Surface of “Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯の表面

Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす

Big Table Seats – 大テーブルの席

Big Table Seats – 大テーブルの席

Tables by the wall – 壁際のテーブル

Tables by the wall – 壁際のテーブル

My impression – 感想

I would say “Long-established restaurant with taste and charm”.


Information – 情報

Occasion I visited – 私の訪問状況

For Lunch. (Date of Visit: Oct. 2022)
Lunch alone on a weekday before noon. With this soba restaurant as my destination, I took a detour and got off at Azabu Juban Station.


Location – 所在地

SARASHINA – HORII Sohonke (Main Branch)
Location: Motoazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0046 Japan
更科堀井 総本家
所在地:〒106-0046  東京都港区元麻布

Access – アクセス

To SARASHINA – HORII Sohonke (Main Branch), I walked slowly and arrived in 5 or 6 minutes from Azabu Juban station.
更科堀井 総本家へは、麻布十番駅から一人で歩きました。徒歩でゆっくり歩いて5、6分ほどで到着しました。

Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.


