On a weekend in late July when the midsummer sun was shining, I suddenly thought that I wanted to go to Izushi castle town, the home of Izushi soba, and visit this very highly rated soba restaurant, “Sarasoba JINBE”. We arrived just after 12:30 and luckily we were shown to our table without any wait. Here, I would like to introduce the dishes and impressions of this soba restaurant “Sarasoba JINBE”.
真夏の太陽が照りつける7月下旬の週末、出石蕎麦の本場である出石城下町へ行き、評価が非常に高いこのお店「さらそば 甚兵衛」へ行きたいなとふと思いました。昼の12時半過ぎに到着したのですが、幸運なことに、直ぐにお店に入ることが出来ました。
ここに、この蕎麦屋「さらそば 甚兵衛」のお料理と感想を紹介させていただきます。

Dishes I odered – 私が頼んだ料理
(note): The description following (*) is especially the author’s imagination and interpretation. With that in mind, please enjoy this blog.
The menu was very simple and only “Teuchi Sara soba” ((*) handmade cold soba served in small portions on multiple small plates). All I had to do was decide how many plates of “Sara soba” I wanted to eat and tell the waitstaff.
(*) The menu contained the following:
> Basic set for 1 person: A set of 5 plates of sara soba and condiments of “Dashi” (dipping sauce), “Nama tamago” (raw egg), “Yamaimo” (grated Japanese yam), “Kizaminegi” (chopped green onion), and “Wasabi”.
> Additional dish of sara soba: Order in units of one
> Guideline for ordering: 10 to 15 plates for men, 5 to 10 plates for women
We weren’t sure how many to eat, but since we’re not big eaters, we followed the guidelines and ordered 20 plates for two.
“Teuchi sara soba” – 手打ち皿そば
Dipping sauce and condiments were served before the soba was ready – 蕎麦が来る前につゆと薬味が配膳された

20 plates of “Sara soba” were served on a tray – 20皿の「さらそば」がお盆にのせられて運ばれてきた

Ready to eat “Sara soba” with dipping sauce in the soba cup – 蕎麦猪口に出汁を入れて「さらそば」を食べる用意

Various condiments were included in the set, and there were many options for how to eat it. On the menu, there was no guidance on how to eat, and it seemed to be free to eat as you like.
When I was watching how everyone around me ate the soba, it seemed that they first ate the soba only with the “dashi” (dipping sauce), then ate it with chopped green onions and wasabi, then added the “yamaimo” (grated Japanese yam) into the “dashi” and ate the soba, and finally cracked the raw egg into the soba cup, dissolved it in the “dashi”, and ate the soba.
“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯

Surface of “Soba-Yu” – 蕎麦湯の表面

Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす
Lobby – 玄関広間

Table by the window in building like an annex in the back of the courtyard – 中庭の奥の離れのような建物の窓側のテーブル

Table in front of tokonoma in building like an annex in the back of the courtyard – 中庭の奥の離れのような建物の床の間の前のテーブル

My impression – 感想
I would say “Great taste with history and tradition”.
Information – 情報
Occasion I visited – 私の訪問状況
For Lunch. (Date of Visit: Jul. 2023)
Lunch for two during a drive in the Tajima region. I headed to this soba restaurant by car.
Location – 所在地
Sarasoba JINBE
Location: Izushicho Kobito, Toyooka, Hyogo 668-0256 Japan
さらそば 甚兵衛
所在地:〒668-0256 兵庫県豊岡市出石町小人
Access – アクセス
To “Sarasoba JINBE”, I set the navigation and went by car.
After getting off the Kitakinki Toyooka Expressway at Yoka Hyonosen Interchange, turn right at the exit intersection and get on National Route 312 at the “Miyakoshi” intersection. After driving about 3km north on the National Route, turn right at the “Shimooda” intersection and drive on Prefectural Road No. 2 in the direction of Izushi, entering the castle town of Izushi. After passing the “Suitengumae” intersection, there was the restaurant “Sarasoba JINBE” on the right, and there was a parking lot in front of it.
「さらそば 甚兵衛」へは、ナビをセットして車で行きました。
北近畿豊岡自動車道を八鹿氷ノ山インターで降りた後、出口の交差点を右折して、「宮越」の交差点で国道312号にのりました。国道を北へ3kmほど車を走ったところの「下小田」交差点を右折して県道2号を出石方面に車を走らせると、出石の城下町市街地に入りました。「水天宮前」交差点を過ぎると直ぐ右手に「さらそば 甚兵衛」があり、手前横に駐車場がありました。
Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.