One day in February, I went to the highly rated restaurant “Juwarisoba Specialty Restaurant, Ishiusu-jikabiki-soba (In-house stone milled soba) Kyuan” for lunch. When we arrived a little after 11:30, there was no one waiting outside and we were lucky to be shown to a table. Here, I would like to introduce the dishes and impressions of this restaurant, “Ishiusu-jikabiki-soba Kyuan”.
2月のある日、評価が高いこのお店「十割蕎麦専門店 石臼自家碾そば 久庵」へランチに行きました。11時半少し過ぎに到着した時、外には誰も待っておらず、私たちは運よくテーブルに案内されました。
ここに、このお店「石臼自家碾そば 久庵」のお料理と感想を紹介させていただきます。

Dishes we odered – 私たちが頼んだ料理
(note): The description includes the author’s imagination and interpretation. With that in mind, please enjoy this blog.
At the beginning of the lunch menu, there was the following explanation.
★Kyuan’s Juwari soba is “light green, coarsely ground inaka style” (all hot soba are also the same).
Wheat-free, kikouchi (made with 100% buckwheat flour only, water kneaded), trying something a little more difficult.
As we make soba with 100% buckwheat flour that is milled in-house by Kyuan’s unique sharpened stone mill, our juwari soba has a completely different texture from “Nihachi (80% buckwheat) soba” and “Sotoichi (10% of wheat flour added) soba”.
For cold soba, the following menu items were lined up.
Seiro Soba: First, take a sip with just the salt. The texture of Juwari Soba. Condiments are served 3 kind through the year;
Hako Soba (large serving of seiro): 2 servings of “seiro” at once;
Kamo (duck) Seiro: Cold soba with Warm duck dipping soup using Hungarian duck meat;
Kamojiru Hako Seiro (Large serving of Kamo seiro): Two servings of kamo seiro in one go;
Sobanome Soba: Our original, soba sprouts are so delicious;
Oroshi Soba: Karami daikon (Spicy radish) is available all year round. We grow our own crops (spicy radish) in winter and spring;
Tororo Soba: Tsukune yam is used for tororo (grated yam);
Hiyakake Soba (summer only): Unusual “cold soba” with spicy radish and green onion.
For hot soba, the following menu items were lined up. Kake Soba, Tamagotoji Soba, Yuba Soba, Kamaage Soba, Kamo Tsukune (duck meatball) Soba, and Kamo (duck) Nanban Soba.
For set meal, there was Juwari Soba Teishoku (limited quantity).
Meanwhile, I ordered Sobanome Soba, and my partner ordered Kamo Seiro.
そばの芽そば:当店オリジナル 蕎麦の新芽がこんなにおいしい。
Kamoseiro – 鴨せいろ
All items of Kamoseiro – 鴨せいろの全品

Juwari soba – 十割蕎麦

Close-up of Juwari soba – 十割蕎麦のクローズアップ

Kamojiru (Warm dipping soup made with duck stock) – 鴨汁

Sobanome soba – そばの芽そば

Close-up of Sobanome soba – そばの芽そばのクローズアップ

Sprouts of buckwheat – そばの芽

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯

Surface of “Soba-Yu” – 蕎麦湯の表面

Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす
Table by the window – 窓側のテーブル

Bar in front of the open kitchen – オープンキッチン前のカウンター

Bar between corner and wall – 角と壁の間のカウンター

My impression – 感想
I would say “Superb Taste”.
Information – 情報
Location – 所在地
Juwarisoba Specialty Restaurant Ishiusu-jikabiki-soba Kyuan
Location: 1-3 6-chome, Tsukamotodori, Hyogo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 652-0804 Japan
十割蕎麦専門店 石臼自家碾そば 久庵
所在地:〒652-0804 兵庫県神戸市兵庫区塚本通6丁目1-3
Access – アクセス
To get to Ishiusu-jikabiki-soba Kyuan, I walked from JR Hyogo Station.
It was about a 5 minute walk from JR Hyogo Station.
「石臼自家碾そば 久庵」へは、JR兵庫駅から歩いて行きました。
Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.