Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問 Teuchisobadokoro RYUGENAN – 手打ち蕎麦処 龍玄庵 On a Sunday afternoon at the end of February, we drove to this highly rated restaurant, Ryugenan, for lunch. It was a l... 2023.04.13 Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問
Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問 Teuchisoba KUGE – 手打ち蕎麦 くげ On a sunny Saturday afternoon in mid-March, we drove to this highly rated restaurant, “Teuchisoba Kuge,” for lunch. We ... 2023.04.12 Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問
Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問 SOBANCHI (in Tamba) – そばんち (丹波) After 1pm on a weekday in mid-January, we stopped for lunch at this acclaimed restaurant in Tanba, Sobanchi. Perhaps be... 2023.04.12 Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問
Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問 Soba-ichi (in Sanda) – 蕎麦いち(三田) On a weekday afternoon at the end of January when the New Year mood had completely disappeared, we drove to this highly... 2023.04.11 Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問
Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問 OGAWA (Kyoto Kitayama) – おがわ (京都北山) On a weekday morning at the end of March when the cherry blossoms in Kyoto were in full bloom, I vaguely thought I'd li... 2023.04.11 Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問
Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問 SUZAKAYA Soba Niigata Ekimae Branch – 須坂屋そば 新潟駅前店 One weekday morning at the beginning of February, when Niigata was still snowing a little, I suddenly thought that I wo... 2023.04.10 Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問
Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問 YABUIZU Souhonten – 藪伊豆総本店 One weekday morning at the beginning of March, I suddenly thought that I would like to go to "Yabuizu Souhonten" for lu... 2023.04.10 Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問
新幹線の乗り方 大阪駅 サンダーバード号に乗る すっかり温かくなってきた3月の終わりに、大阪から富山の高岡まで旅をしました。大阪から金沢まで北陸本線の特急「サンダーバード」号に乗り、金沢駅で、北陸新幹線の「つるぎ」に乗換えました。今回は、阪急電車を降りてJR大阪駅へ行き、「みどりの券売... 2023.04.10 新幹線の乗り方
新幹線の乗り方 金沢駅 サンダーバード号から新幹線に乗換え すっかり温かくなってきた3月の終わりに、大阪から富山の高岡まで旅をしました。大阪駅から金沢駅まで北陸本線の特急「サンダーバード」号に乗り、金沢駅で北陸新幹線の「つるぎ」に乗換えました。今回は、大阪駅を出発しサンダーバード号で金沢駅に到着し... 2023.04.10 新幹線の乗り方
Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問 Teuchisoba TAKENOKO – 手打ち蕎麦 竹の子 One Saturday morning in March when I stayed in Takaoka, Toyama, I suddenly thought that I would like to go to this high... 2023.04.08 Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問