Onazaan (Tamba) – 大名草庵(丹波)

Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問

One Sunday in early April, after the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, I suddenly thought that I would like to have lunch at this highly rated restaurant while driving in the Tamba region. I called the restaurant in the morning and got a reservation at 1:30pm. We arrived at this restaurant earlier than planned, before 1pm, but we were able to enter the restaurant without waiting.
Here, I would like to introduce the food and impressions of “Onazaan”.


Onazaan (Tamba) – 大名草庵(丹波)

Dishes we odered – 私たちが頼んだ料理

(note): The description following (*) is especially the author’s imagination and interpretation. With that in mind, please enjoy this blog.

We entered the restaurant and looking at the menu, followings were lined up:
1. “Mori Soba” (*) Dipping Cold Soba served on pottery plate with dipping sauce

2. “Kamojiru Soba” (*) “Mori Soba” with “Kamojiru”, which is warm dipping soup made with duck stock and duck meat and green onion as ingredients

3. “Tororo Soba” (*) “Mori Soba” with an additional plate of grated “Yamaimo”, which is a kind of Japanese yam, as an optional ingredient

4. “Oroshi Soba” (homemade “Karamidaikon”) (*) “Mori Soba” with an additional plate of grated “Karamidaikon”, which is a kind of spicy white radish like a horseradish, as a condiment

Then, there was an explanation that “all are cold 100% buckwheat noodles. Only ‘Kamojiru Soba’ is served with hot dipping sauce.”

In addition, as a la carte dishes, “Saba sushi (2 pieces)”, “Vegetable Tempura”, “Tempura (with prawn)”, and “Dashimaki” (using Tamba eggs) were lined up.

Meanwhile, I ordered the standard “Mori Soba”, my partner ordered “Tororo Soba”, and we ordered “Dashimaki” and “Tempura (with shrimp)” and shared them.

お店に入ってメニューを見ると、おそばには、「もりそば」、「かも汁そば」、「とろろそば」、「おろしそば」<自家製辛味大根> があり、「全て冷たい十割蕎麦です。かも汁そばのみ、温かいつけ汁になります。」との説明書きが付け加えられていた。


Soba tea and fried soba noodles were served – 蕎麦茶と揚げ蕎麦が出された

Soba tea and fried soba noodles were served – 蕎麦茶と揚げ蕎麦が出された

A la carte dish – 一品料理

”Dashimaki” – だしまき

“Dashimaki” (*) Japanese rolled omelet with “dashi”, which is broth made with “Katsuobushi” (thin sliced dried bonito) or “Konbu” (kelp) or others.

”Dashimaki” – だしまき

Tempra (with Prawn)- 天ぷら(海老付き)

Tempra (with Prawn) – 天ぷら(海老付き)

Mori Soba (“Juwari Soba”) – もりそば(十割蕎麦)

“Mori Soba”(“Juwari Soba”) – もりそば(十割蕎麦)

Close-up of Soba (“Juwari Soba”) – そば(十割蕎麦)のクローズアップ

Close-up of Soba (“Juwari Soba”) – そば(十割蕎麦)のクローズアップ

“Tororo Soba” – とろろそば

“Tororo” with yolk and condiment of “Tororo Soba” – とろろそばのとろろと卵の黄身と薬味

“Tororo” with yolk and condiment of “Tororo Soba” – とろろそばのとろろと卵の黄身と薬味

Soba(“Juwari Soba”) – そば(十割蕎麦)

Soba (“Juwari Soba”) – そば(十割蕎麦)

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯

Surface of “Soba-Yu” – 蕎麦湯の表面

Surface of “Soba-Yu” – 蕎麦湯の表面

Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす

Low table in the raised main dining room – メインダイニングルームの座卓

Low table in the raised main dining room – メインダイニングルームの座卓

Table in the back room – 奥の間にあったテーブル

Table in the back room – 奥の間にあったテーブル

View of the ceiling in the main dining room – メインダイニングルームの天井の様子

View of the ceiling in the main dining room – メインダイニングルームの天井の様子

My impression – 感想

I would say “Amazing”.


Information – 情報

Occasion I visited – 私の訪問状況

For Lunch. (Date of Visit: Apr. 2023)
Sunday lunch for two. With this soba restaurant as our destination, we went by car while driving in the Tamba region.

Location – 所在地

Location: Onaza, Aogakicho, Tamba, Hyogo 669-3822 Japan
所在地:〒669-3822  兵庫県丹波市青垣町大名草

Access – アクセス

To Onazaan, I set the navigation and went by car.
I got off the Kitakinki Toyooka Expressway at Aogaki IC and drove west along Route 427 to the junction with Route 429. At that intersection (T-junction), I turned right onto National Route 429 and drove toward Aogaki Pass (Ikuno direction).
After about 200m, there was a narrow road with a bridge on the right, and I turned right onto that road. I drove along this road all the way along the forest on my right.
After passing “Amagomura” and proceeding about 200m, we arrived at “Onazaan”. The parking lot was just past the restaurant.


Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.


