One weekend in early December, I went to the highly rated “Azuminoan Otsukadai Honten (Main Branch)” for lunch. When we arrived a little after 12:30, there were two groups waiting outside. We wrote our names on the list and waited, and luckily after about 10 minutes we were shown to a raised-floor low table.
Here I would like to introduce the restaurant’s dishes and my impressions.
12月はじめの週末のある日、評価が高いこのお店「あずみの庵 王塚台本店」へランチに行きました。12時半少し過ぎに到着した時、2グループが外で待っていました。名前をリストに書いて待つと、運よく10分ほどで、私たちは小上がりテーブルに案内されました。

- Dishes we odered – 私たちが頼んだ料理
- Set of Aged Juwari soba and Yakianago (grilled conger eel) bowl – 熟成十割そばと焼アナゴ丼のセット
- Set of Aged Juwari soba and anago (conger eel) bowl with grated yamato yam – 熟成十割そばと大和いもの穴子山掛け丼セット
- Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす
Dishes we odered – 私たちが頼んだ料理
(note): The description includes the author’s imagination and interpretation. With that in mind, please enjoy this blog.
First, there were the following two soba noodles and their explanations on the menu.
(1) “Hiden Jukusei (secret aged)” juwari soba: We have strengthened the aroma and sweetness of our carefully selected juwarisoba through the ultimate frozen additional aging time. This juwarisoba has a smooth texture, a strong buckwheat aroma that wafts through your nose, and a firm texture.
(2) “Jukusei (aged)” juwari premium soba Gensoba MIGAKI 80: This juwarisoba is made with 80% high-quality buckwheat flour (Migaki) and 20% hand-ground buckwheat flour, and has a highly aromatic and transparent texture.
All set menus consisted of aged juwari soba and various rice dishes. The various rice items included with aged juwari soba in the set menu are as follows:
(1) Karisaku (crispy) tempura bowl made with rice flour;
(2) Oyakodon made by melty fertilized orange egg;
(3) Broiled beef tongue soup chazuke;
(4) Sweet sauce tontoro (fatty pork) Hitsumabushi Style;
(5) Tenmusu (rice ball with prawn tempra filling);
(6) Yakianago (grilled conger eel) bowl;
(7) Yamato yam bowl made with earthen pot rice;
(8) Earthen pot rice, topped with rich orange fertilized egg;
(9) Anago (conger eel) bowl topped with grated yamato yam;
(10) Salt rice balls made with earthen pot rice.
And the hot soba (single item) includes aged juwari tempura soba, aged juwari clam shellfish soup soba, aged juwari duck soba, aged juwari warm soba with scraped kelp flakes and shimeji mushrooms, aged juwari pork belly harihari soba, aged juwari roasted seaweed soba, aged juwari oyster soba, aged juwari beef and fish bouillon warm soba. In addition, single soba items included aged juwari temzaru soba and others.
Finally, the rice dishes followed.
Meanwhile, I ordered a set of aged juwari soba and anago (conger eel) bowl with grated yamato yam, and my partner ordered a set of aged juwari soba and yakianago (grilled conger eel) bowl.
(1) 秘伝追熟熟成十割そば:こだわり抜いた自慢の十割そばを究極の冷凍追熟時間により、香りと甘みを強化しました。のど越しの良さと、鼻から抜ける強いそばの香り、コシの強さを極めた十割そばです。
(2) 熟成十割プレミアム蕎麦 玄蕎麦みがき80:極上そば粉(みがき)8割と手挽きそば粉(岳メッシュ)2割でつくりあげた香り高く透明感抜群の十割そばです。
(1) 米粉を使ったカリサク天丼
(2) オレンジ有精卵のトロトロ親子丼
(3) 炙り牛タンのスープ茶漬け
(4) 甘ダレ豚トロひつまぶし風
(5) 天むす
(6) 焼アナゴ丼
(7) 土鍋ごはんの出汁が香る大和いものとろろ丼
(8) 土鍋ごはんのオレンジ有精卵コク旨卵かけごはん
(9) 大和いもの穴子山掛け丼
(10) 土鍋ごはんの塩おむすび
Set of Aged Juwari soba and Yakianago (grilled conger eel) bowl – 熟成十割そばと焼アナゴ丼のセット
All items of the set – セットの全品

Aged Juwari soba – 熟成十割そば

Close-up of Aged Juwari soba – 熟成十割そばのクローズアップ

Yakianago (Grilled conger eel) bowl – 焼アナゴ丼

Set of Aged Juwari soba and anago (conger eel) bowl with grated yamato yam – 熟成十割そばと大和いもの穴子山掛け丼セット
All items of the set – セットの全品

Aged Juwari soba – 熟成十割そば

Close-up of Aged Juwari soba – 熟成十割そばのクローズアップ

Various condiments – 各種の薬味

Anago (conger eel) bowl before pouring Yamato yam tororo – 大和いものとろろをかける前の穴子丼

Yamato yam tororo – 大和いものとろろ

Anago bowl with Yamato yam tororo – 大和いものとろろを掛けた後の穴子丼

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯

Surface of “Soba-Yu” – 蕎麦湯の表面

Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす
Raised-floor low table – 小上がりの座敷テーブル

Bar in front of the open kitchen – オープンキッチン前のカウンター

My impression – 感想
I would say “Mellow and smooth taste by aging”.
Information – 情報
Location – 所在地
Azuminoan Otsukadai Honten (Main branch)
Location: 7-82-102 Otsukadai, Nishi-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 651-2135 Japan
あずみの庵 王塚台本店
所在地:〒651-2135 兵庫県神戸市西区王塚台7-82-102
Access – アクセス
To Azuminoan Otsukadai Honten (Main branch), I set up the navigation and drove to.
Get off at the Tamazu Interchange on the Daini Shinmei Road, take the exit towards Akashi, and head south on National Route 175 for about 1.5 km. Turn right to the west at the Mochiko intersection, turn right at a small intersection one block ahead, and turn right at immediate next intersection (one block ahead) and you will arrive at the restaurant. Parking was available only in the parking lots marked with red restaurant’s flags, in front of the restaurant and behind the building where the restaurant was located.
「あずみの庵 王塚台本店」へは、ナビをセットして車で行きました。
Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.