On a weekend in early December, I went to Teuchi Izushi sarasoba Kinmata, a highly rated restaurant located in Izushi Castle Town, the home of Izushi soba. I arrived around 1pm, wrote my name on the list and waited. There were about 30 groups of guests ahead of us, so we took a walk around the castle town, and an hour later we were shown to the restaurant’s tatami room. Here, I would like to introduce the dishes and impressions of this soba restaurant “Teuchi Izushi sarasoba Kinmata”.
12月はじめの週末、出石蕎麦の本場である出石城下町へ行き、評価が非常に高いこのお店「手打ち出石皿そば 近又」へ行きました。13時頃に到着し、リストに名前を書いて待ちました。先客は30組ほどでしたので城下町を散策して待ち、ちょうど1時間後にお店に入ることが出来ました。
ここに、この蕎麦屋「手打ち出石皿そば 近又」のお料理と感想を紹介させていただきます。
Dishes I odered – 私が頼んだ料理
(note): The description includes the author’s imagination and interpretation. With that in mind, please enjoy this blog.
The menu was very simple, with only Teuchi Sarasoba.
One serving (basic set) includes 5 dishes of Sarasoba and condiments (dipping sauce, chopped green onions, wasabi, grated daikon radish, raw egg, and tororo yam).
Additional Soba noodles can be ordered individually.
To order, all we had to do was tell the waitstaff the number of soba noodles we would like to eat.
We thought about how many plates we would eat, and decided that I would eat 10 plates and my partner would eat 20 plates, so we ordered 30 plates for the two of us.
Teuchi Sarasoba – 手打ち皿そば
Dipping sauce and condiments – つゆと薬味
Dipping sauce and condiments were served before the sarasoba was ready.
20 plates of Sarasoba were served on a tray – 20皿の「さらそば」がお盆にのせられて運ばれてきた
20 plates of Teuchi sarasoba – 手打ち皿そば20皿
The waitstaff explained how to eat soba as follows.
The first dish is eaten with only natural salt. The next few dishes will be eaten with just the dipping sauce. The next few dishes are seasoned with chopped green onions, wasabi, and grated daikon radish in a dipping sauce. After that, eat as you like. If you add tororo or raw egg to the dipping sauce, the taste will change completely, so please enjoy the taste.
Close-up of teuchi sarasoba – 手打ち皿そばのクローズアップ
“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯
Surface of “Soba-Yu” – 蕎麦湯の表面
Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす
Raised tatami room next to entrance – 入口横の座敷
Low table in Tatami booth – 仕切りのある座敷テーブル
Raised tatami room in the back facing the garden – 庭に面した奥の小上がり座敷
Banzuke tags with the names of people who ate a large number of sarasoba and the number of sarasoba eaten were posted on the walls on both sides of the passageway leading to the tatami room in the back.
Semi-open kitchen – セミオープンの厨房
My impression – 感想
I would say “Supreme taste with long history and tradition”.
Information – 情報
Location – 所在地
KINMATA Teuchi Izushi Sarasoba
Location: 99 Izushicho Honmachi, Toyooka, Hyogo 668-0024 Japan
手打ち出石皿そば 近又
所在地:〒668-0024 兵庫県豊岡市出石町本町99
Access – アクセス
To KINMATA Teuchi Izushi Sarasoba, I set the navigation and went by car.
After getting off the Kitakinki Toyooka Expressway at Yoka Hyonosen Interchange, turn right at the exit intersection and get on National Route 312 at the “Miyakoshi” intersection. After driving about 3km north on the National Route, turn right at the “Shimooda” intersection and drive on Prefectural Road No. 2 in the direction of Izushi, entering the castle town of Izushi. From the Teppocho parking lot in the center of the town we headed south for about 100m on Otemae Street and arrived at the soba restaurant “Kinmata”.
The parking lot was opposite the restaurant. Another option would be to park the car at the Teppocho parking lot and walk from there. It’s about a 2 minute walk.
「手打ち出石皿そば 近又」へは、ナビをセットして車で行きました。
Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.