Juwarisoba TAZAEMON (Tambasasayama) – 十割蕎麦 夛左ヱ門(丹波篠山)

Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問

One Saturday in mid-October, we went to “Juwari Soba Tazaemon” in Tambasasayama, a highly rated restaurant. When we arrived at the restaurant about 15 minutes before noon, the soba noodles had not yet sold out. I entered the restaurant, told the wait staff my name and number of people, and was given a numbered ticket. I took it and waited outside. After waiting for about an hour, we were shown to a table and was able to eat the soba noodles.
Here I would like to introduce the dishes and impressions of “Juwari Soba Tazaemon”.

10月半ばのある土曜日、丹波篠山にある評価が非常に高いこのお店「十割蕎麦 夛左ヱ門」へ行きました。レストランには正午の15分ほど前に到着し、まだ、お蕎麦まだ売り切れていませんでした。お店に入ってお店の人に名前と人数を告げると、番号札(整理券)が渡されました。それを受取って外で待ちました。1時間ほど待って、テーブルに案内され、そのお蕎麦を食べることが出来ました。
ここに「十割蕎麦 夛左ヱ門」のお料理と感想を紹介させていただきます。

Juwarisoba TAZAEMON (Tambasasayama) – 十割蕎麦 夛左ヱ門(丹波篠山)

Dishes I odered – 私が頼んだ料理

(note): The description includes the author’s imagination and interpretation. With that in mind, please enjoy this blog.

When I looked at the menu, it was simple, with the following four soba noodles and their explanations.
“Sobakiri (Zarusoba)”: Enjoy with seaweed salt from Awaji Island.
“Oroshisoba” (Grated daikon radish soba): Inaka soba and grated radish go well together.
“Yamakakesoba” (Cold soba topped with grated yam): We use Japanese nagaimo yam.
“Tenoroshisoba” (Cold soba topped with tempra and grated radish): Tempura made with prawn and seasonal vegetables.

It also included the following explanation:
* Our soba noodles are made with whole grain flour made by grinding native buckwheat from Fukui Prefecture with their shells intact.
* The soba soup has no additives and is made from 100% natural soup stock. The kelp is from Rishiri.

Among them, we ordered “Tenoroshisoba”.

「そば切り」 淡路島産の藻塩でもお召し上がりください。
「おろしそば」 田舎そばと大根おろしは合います。
「山かけそば」 長いものとろろを使っています。
「天おろしそば」 エビと旬の野菜を天ぷらにしています。



”Tenoroshisoba” – 天おろしそば

All items of “Tenseirosoba” – 天おろしそばの全品

All items of “Tenseirosoba” – 天おろしそばの全品

”Tenoroshisoba” – 天おろしそば

”Tenoroshisoba” – 天おろしそば
Soba noodle close-up – 蕎麦のクローズアップ
Soba noodle close-up – 蕎麦のクローズアップ

Tempura – 天ぷら

Tempura – 天ぷら

Condiments of bonito flakes and grated daikon radish – 薬味の鰹節と大根おろし

Condiments of bonito flakes and grated daikon radish – 薬味の鰹節と大根おろし

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯

Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす

Table in front of piano – ピアノの前のテーブル

Table in front of piano – ピアノの前のテーブル

Table in front of stove – ストーブの前のテーブル

Table in front of stove – ストーブの前のテーブル

The appearance of the ceiling – 天井の様子

The appearance of the ceiling – 天井の様子

My impression – 感想

I would say “Superb Taste”.


Information – 情報

Location – 所在地

Juwarisoba TAZAEMON (Tambasasayama)
Location: 209-3 Nishiokaya, Tambasasayama, Hyogo, 669-2346 Japan
十割蕎麦 夛左ヱ門(丹波篠山)
所在地:〒669-2346  兵庫県丹波篠山市西岡屋209-3

Access – アクセス

To get to Juwarisoba TAZAEMON, I set the navigation and went by car.
I got off the Maizuru-Wakasa Expressway at the Tannan-Sasayamaguchi Interchange, turned left at the exit intersection, drove about 50m, turned left at the Agake intersection, and after about 2km turned right at the Kawakita intersection. After about 1km there was a Y-shaped intersection, I took a side road diagonally to the right and after about 200m I found the restaurant and parking lot.

「十割蕎麦 夛左ヱ門(丹波篠山)」へは、ナビをセットして車で行きました。

Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.


