One Sunday in early October, when the weather started to feel cooler, I suddenly thought that I wanted to go to “Edokirisoba SEKISEN”, a highly rated restaurant. I was worried that the soba noodles would be sold out since I expected to arrive in the afternoon, but after arriving at Kurashiki Station by train, I walked there. I arrived at the restaurant after 1pm, and there was no one waiting, so I was immediately shown to a table and ate soba noodles. Here I would like to introduce the dishes and impressions of “Edokirisoba SEKISEN”.
涼しさが感じられるようになった10月はじめのある日曜日、評価が非常に高いこのお店「江戸切りそば 石泉」へ行きたいなとふと思いました。昼過ぎの到着となりそうだったので、蕎麦が売り切れていないか心配でしたが、電車で倉敷駅に到着後、駅から歩いて向かいました。レストランには午後1時過ぎに到着し、待っている人はおらず、直ぐにテーブルの案内され、無事にお蕎麦を食べました。
ここに「江戸切りそば 石泉」のお料理と感想を紹介させていただきます。

Dishes I odered – 私が頼んだ料理
(note): The description following (*) is especially the author’s imagination and interpretation. With that in mind, please enjoy this blog.
Looking at the menu, the “Today’s Recommendations”, which said that “it’s still hot, so please enjoy “Hiyakake” (cold soup soba)”, included followings:
“Yasaiten Oroshi Soba”: (*) cold soba topped with vegetable tempura and grated daikon radish;
“Ume Oroshi Soba”: (*) cold soba topped with plum paste and grated spicy daikon radish;
“Karami Oroshi Soba” (*) cold soba topped with grated spicy daikon radish;
“Daikon Shiru Soba” (*) cold soba in daikon juice soup, topped with grated daikon radish, katsuobushi (bonito flakes), and various condiments. The menu said to eat it with soy sauce;
“Hiyakamo”: cold soba in duck stock soup, topped with stir-fried vegetables.
The “Cold soba” included followings:
“Karami Tenzaru” (*) “Tenzaru” with grated daikon as condiment. The menu said this was the restaurant’s highly recommended soba;
“Tenzaru” (*) “Zaru” with tempra of seasonal vegetable and “tenshi prawn”;
“Karami zaru” (*) Zaru with grated daikon radish as condiment;
“Zaru” (*) Cold soba served on bamboo tray with cold dipping sauce and condiments;
“Kamozaru” (*) “Zaru” with hot dipping soup made from duck stock with duck meat and green onion;
“Gomoku soba (cold)” (*) cold soba topped with various ingredients and condiments.
The “warm soba” included “Karamigake”, “Tempura soba”, “Kamo Nanban”, and “Gomoku soba (warm)”.
Among them, I was very interested in the Today’s recommendation, but ordered the restaurant’s highly recommended “Karami Tenzaru”.
Karami daikon, Dipping sauce, Tempura, and shiso salt. – 辛味大根、つゆ、天ぷらと紫蘇塩
Before the soba came, karami daikon (grated spicy daikon radish) and chopped green onion as condiments and dipping sauce were served, followed immediately by tempura and shiso salt.

All items of “Karami Tenzaru” – 辛味天ざるの全品

Soba noodle close-up – そばのクローズアップ
The sign in front of the restaurant said, “New autumn soba has arrived. Kitamitsuki from Uryu, Hokkaido.”
お店の前の看板には、「秋の新蕎麦 入荷しました。北海道雨竜産キタミツキ」との表示であった。

Tempura – 天ぷら

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯

Surface of “Soba-Yu” – 蕎麦湯の表面

Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす
Table by the wall – 壁際のテーブル

Table in front of window decoration – 窓飾りの前のテーブル

Tatami room table – 座敷の座卓

View of the restaurant entrance – お店の入口の様子

My impression – 感想
I would say “Superb Taste”.
Information – 情報
Occasion I visited – 私の訪問状況
For Lunch. (Date of Visit: October 2023)
One Sunday around noon, I got off at Kurashiki-shi Station, the last stop on the Mizushima Rinkai Railway, and transferred to the JR Sanyo Line. Taking this opportunity, I took a detour and walked towards this soba restaurant, “Edokirisoba SEKISEN” as my destination.
日曜日のお昼過ぎ、水島臨海鉄道の倉敷市駅で下車して、JR山陽線に乗換える際、寄り道してこのお蕎麦屋さん「江戸切りそば 石泉」を目的地に一人でこのお店を目指して歩きました。
Location – 所在地
Edokirisoba SEKISEN
Location: 8-9 1-chome, Chuo, Kurashiki, Okayama, 710-0046 Japan
江戸切りそば 石泉
所在地:〒710-0046 岡山県倉敷市中央1丁目8-9
Access – アクセス
To get to “Edokirisoba SEKISEN”, I walked from Kurashiki Station on the JR Sanyo Line.
I walked south along the main street in front of the station to the Chuo 1-chome intersection. After turning left at that intersection and walking about 30 meters, the restaurant was on the corner of the next intersection. We arrived there in about 15 or 20 minutes by walking slowly. It was about a minute away from Takasago Bridge in the Bikan Historical Quarter of Kurashiki.
「江戸切りそば 石泉」へは、JR山陽線倉敷駅から歩きました。駅前の大通りをまっすぐ南に向かって中央1丁目交差点まで歩き、その交差点を左折して30mほど歩くと、次の交差点の角にお店がありました。徒歩でゆっくり歩いて15分か20分ほどで到着しました。
Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.