Kagoan (Minamioguni) – 花郷庵(南小国)

Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問

One Sunday in mid-February, I went to the highly rated soba restaurant “Kagoan (Minamioguni)”. When we arrived around 12:30am, there were 8 groups waiting. I wrote my name on the list and sat in a waiting chair in the lobby and waited. After waiting for about an hour, we were shown to a table. Here I would like to introduce the food and impressions of “Kagoan (Minamioguni)”.


Kagoan (Minamioguni) – 花郷庵(南小国)

Dishes we odered – 私たちが頼んだ料理

The menu included the following sets and single items. “Sobazukushi”: Set of Aperitif (non-alcoholic), first bowl of zaru soba, tempura of Maitake mushrooms from Minamioguni, Yose tofu, seasonal small bowl, second bowl of soba (cold oroshi soba or warm yamakake soba), and soba ice cream;

“Umakamon Soba”: Set of Soba (choose one from Jidori Soba, Zaru Soba, Yamakake Soba, Oroshi Soba, Niku Soba), Minami Oguni Maitake Mushroom Tempura, and choice of Aso Takana Meshi or Tororo Meshi;

“Tenzaru soba”: Set of Tenzaru soba or kake soba, tempura of Maitake mushrooms from Minamioguni, small seasonal side dish;

“Niku-niku-niku (heap of beef) Soba”: Warm soba topped with plenty of sweet and spicy stewed beef.
“Warm Maitake Mushroom Tempura Soba”: Tempura soba with Maitake mushrooms from Minamioguni.

There were “Tonkatsu soba”, “Jidori (free-range chicken) soba”, “Choinomi (a few drink) set”, “Oroshi soba”, “Yamakake soba” (cold/hot), “Kake soba”, and “Zaru soba”.
It was possible to have a large serving of soba.

Meanwhile, we ordered Kagoan’s most popular set menu, “Sobazukushi”. I chose cold oroshi soba for my second bowl of soba, and my partner chose warm yamakake soba.






Sobazukushi – そばづくし

Dishes of Sobazukushi – そばづくしの品々

First, an aperitif (non-alcoholic), soba with dipping sauce and condiments, tempura, yosetofu, and seasonal small dish were served.


Dishes of Sobazukushi – そばづくしの品々

First bowl of Zaru Soba – 一杯目のざるそば

First bowl of Zaru Soba – 一杯目のざるそば

Assortment of tempura – 天ぷらの盛合わせ

Assortment of tempura – 天ぷらの盛合わせ

Seasonal small dish – 季節の小鉢

Seasonal small dish – 季節の小鉢

Yosetofu – よせ豆腐

Yosetofu – よせ豆腐

Condiments – 薬味

Condiments – 薬味

Second bowl of soba – 二杯目のそば

Cold oroshi soba – 冷たいおろしそば
Cold oroshi soba – 冷たいおろしそば
Warm yamakake soba – 温かい山かけそば
Warm yamakake soba – 温かい山かけそば

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯

Surface of “Soba-Yu” – 蕎麦湯の表面

Surface of “Soba-Yu” – 蕎麦湯の表面

Dessert – デザート

Soba ice cream – そばアイスクリーム

Soba ice cream – そばアイスクリーム

Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす

Table in front of tokonoma – 床の間の前のテーブル

Table in front of tokonoma – 床の間の前のテーブル

Low table on raised floor by the window – 窓際の小上がりの座卓

Low table on raised floor by the window – 窓際の小上がりの座卓

Irori (hearth)-like table – 囲炉裏風のテーブル

Irori (hearth)-like table – 囲炉裏風のテーブル

Decorations on pillar – 柱に付けられた飾り

Decorations on pillar – 柱に付けられた飾り

Decoration of Tokonoma alcove – 床の間の飾り

Ikebana – いけばな
Objet d’art – オブジェ

Waiting space in lobby – ロビー内の待合スペース

Waiting space in lobby – ロビーの待合スペース

My impression – 感想

I would say “Amazing”.


Information – 情報

Location – 所在地

Kagoan (Minamioguni)
Location: 2862-3 Tonashi, Akababa, Minamioguni-machi, Aso-gun, Kumamoto 869-2401 Japan
所在地:〒669-3309  熊本県阿蘇郡南小国町赤馬場戸無2862-3

Access – アクセス

To get to Kagoan (Minamioguni), I set up the navigation and drove to.
It was about a 20 minute drive from Kurokawa Onsen and a 20 minute drive from Tsuetate Onsen.


Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.


