One weekday morning in mid-March, when the warmth of spring was beginning to set in, I suddenly thought of having lunch at this highly rated restaurant, Murataya. Expecting a late afternoon arrival, I made a stopover in Kanazawa on my trip when transferring between the Shinkansen and the Hokuriku Line and headed for this restaurant. I arrived around 13:45 and was able to enter the restaurant without waiting.
I would like to introduce Murataya’s dishes and impressions here.
春の温かさが増してきた3月半ばのある平日の朝、私は評価が高いこのお店「石臼挽き手打ち蕎麦 村田屋」でランチを食べようとふと思いました。午後の遅い時間の到着が予想されましたが、金沢駅で新幹線と北陸線の乗換えの時に途中下車し、このお店を目指しました。13時45分頃到着し、待つことなくお店に入ることが出来ました。

Dishes I odered – 私が頼んだ料理
I thought about which one to order, and ordered “Tenseiro” and “Okawari Juwari”.
(*) “Okawari Juwari”: Juwari Soba plate only as a kind of refill plate. “Tsukejiru”(Dipping sauce) and “Yakumi”(Condiment) are not served with this plate.
According to the menu description, “Seiro” soba is “Sotoichi soba” and is finished with 100% buckwheat flour and 10% split flour.
In addition, there was a description that “100% buckwheat” is made only from buckwheat flour hand-ground with the owner’s own stone mill and finished with natural water from Fujinose.
(note): The description following (*) is especially the author’s imagination and interpretation. With that in mind, please enjoy this blog.
“Tenseiro”(Seiro with Tempra) – 天せいろ

“Seiro” – せいろ
Sotoichi soba

Tempura – 天ぷら
Prawn and vegetable tempura.

“Okawari Juwari” – おかわり十割
When I finished eating “Seiro” of Sotoichi soba, “Okawari Juwari” was served.

Okawari Juwari – おかわり十割

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯
Immediately after Okawari Juwari was served, soba-yu was served.

Surface of “Soba-Yu” – 蕎麦湯の表面

Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす
Tables and “Koagari” (Raised wooden-floored Tables) – テーブルと小上がり

“Koagari” (Raised wooden-floored Tables) at corner – 角の小上がり

Stone Mill – 石臼

My impression – 感想
I would say “authentic and superior”.
Information – 情報
Occasion I visited – 私の訪問状況
For Lunch. (Date of Visit: Mar. 2023)
Lunch alone on a late afternoon on a weekday. With this soba restaurant as my destination, I got off at Kanazawa Station when transferring between the Shinkansen and the Hokuriku Line, and headed for this soba restaurant by bus.
Location – 所在地
Ishiusubiki Teuchisoba MURATAYA
Location: Moroemachi(Kamicho), Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-0015 Japan
石臼挽き 手打ち蕎麦 村田屋
所在地:〒920-0015 石川県金沢市諸江町上丁
Access – アクセス
To Ishiusubiki Teuchisoba MURATAYA, from bus stop 4 at the west exit of Kanazawa Station, I took the Hokuriku Bus [70] bound for Uchinada Station and got off at the Kamimoroe bus stop in about five minutes. Murataya was across the street. On the way back, I took a train from Hokuriku Railway Kamimoroe Station, which was about a 5-minute walk from the soba restaurant, and returned to Hokutetsu Kanazawa Station in about 5 minutes.
Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.