Sobaya MORIIRO – 蕎麦や もりいろ

Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問

On a Sunday morning in March when the weather was getting warmer, I suddenly thought of having lunch at this highly rated restaurant, “Sobaya MORIIRO”. I made a detour on my way to Haneda Airport and aimed at this restaurant as I arrived around 1pm to avoid the expected crowds of 12pm. As a result, I arrived at 12:00 earlier than planned and was able to enter the restaurant after waiting for a while.
I will introduce the dishes and impressions of the restaurant here.

温かくなってきた3月のある日曜日の朝、私は評価が高いこのお店「蕎麦や もりいろ」でランチを食べようとふと思いました。羽田空港へ向かう途中に寄り道して、混雑するであろう12時の時間帯を外した午後1時頃に到着するよう、このお店を目指しました。結果的には予定より早く12時過ぎに到着し、しばらく待ってお店に入ることが出来ました。

Sobaya MORIIRO – 蕎麦や もりいろ

Dishes I odered – 私が頼んだ料理

I thought about which one to order.
“Nishumori” is a set of two types of soba noodles that are produced in different places and are ground differently. I ordered the “Nishumori Tempuratsuki” which comes with tempura.

どれを注文しようか考えましたが、産地と粉の挽き方が異なる二種類のお蕎麦がセットになって一度に味わえる「二種もり」に天ぷらがセットで付いている、「二種もり 天ぷら付き」を注文しました。

Dipping Sauce and condiments were served before the soba was ready – 蕎麦が来る前につけ汁と薬味が配膳された

Dipping Sauce and condiments were served before the soba was ready – 蕎麦が来る前につゆと薬味が配膳された

“Nishumori” with Tempra – 二種もり 天ぷら付き

At first, the first plate of soba noodles amd tempura were served.

First soba dish and Tempra were served – ひと皿目の蕎麦と天ぷらが出された

But I waited for the second plate and took a picture together.

“Nishumori” with Tempra – 二種もり 天ぷら付き

Two type of Soba – 二種類の蕎麦

Two type of Soba – 二種類の蕎麦

Tempura – 天ぷら

Prawn and vegetable tempura.

Tempura – 天ぷら

Soba made with buckwheat from Kaida, Nagano – 長野県開田産蕎麦粉で打った蕎麦

The first soba dish was soba made with buckwheat from Kaida, Nagano. The noodles were like light green.

Soba made with buckwheat from Kaida, Nagano – 長野県開田産蕎麦粉で打った蕎麦
Closeup of Soba of Kaida – 開田産蕎麦のクローズアップ

Soba made with buckwheat from Miyoshi, Saitama – 埼玉県三芳産蕎麦粉で打った蕎麦

The second dish was soba made with buckwheat from Miyoshi, Saitama. The noodles looked like rural soba.

Soba made with buckwheat from Miyoshi, Saitama – 埼玉県三芳産蕎麦粉で打った蕎麦
Closeup of soba of Miyoshi – 三芳産蕎麦のクローズアップ

“Tsukejiru”(Dipping sauce) – つけ汁

“Tsukejiru”(Dipping sauce) – つけ汁

Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす

Counter I was given – 私が案内されたカウンター

Counter – カウンター

Decoration by the window – 窓際の飾り

Decoration by the window – 窓際の飾り

My impression – 感想

I would say “Superb”.
On my next visit, I would like to taste soba from another production area.


Information – 情報

Occasion I visited – 私の訪問状況

For Lunch. (Date of Visit: Mar. 2023)
Sunday lunch alone. On the way to Haneda Airport, I got off at Omorimachi Station and walked from the station to this soba restaurant.


Location – 所在地

Location: Omorinishi, Ota-ku, Tokyo 143-0015 Japan
蕎麦や もりいろ
所在地:〒143-0015  東京都大田区大森西

Access – アクセス

To Sobaya MORIIRA, I walked slowly and arrived in 2 minutes from Omorimachi station.
蕎麦や もりいろへは、大森町駅から一人で歩きました。徒歩でゆっくり歩いて2分ほどで到着しました。

Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.


