On a Sunday afternoon at the end of February, we drove to this highly rated restaurant, Ryugenan, for lunch. It was a little past 12:30 noon when we arrived. No one was waiting outside, so when we opened the door and went inside, we were lucky to be shown to our table immediately.
I will introduce the dishes and impressions of the restaurant here.
Dishes we odered – 私たちが頼んだ料理
(note): The description following (*) is especially the author’s imagination and interpretation. With that in mind, please enjoy this blog.
We entered the restaurant and looked at the menu. There were various menus such as cold soba, hot soba, and recommended. Among such menus, I asked if there was still a recommended “Sanshu Soba Set” (limited to 10 servings) left, and the answer was that there was one left, so I ordered this. The other three ordered “Tempura Morisoba” and “Torijiru Tsukesoba” added with rice porridge.
(*) “Sanshu Soba Set” (Three kind soba set) would be three kind of small soba dishes, which are “Tororo”, Tempra”, and “Oroshi”, with “Inari sushi” and “Ohitashi”.
“Tempura Morisoba” – 天婦羅もり蕎麦
Tempra – 天ぷら
Soba – 蕎麦
Close-up of Soba – 蕎麦のクローズアップ
“Sanshu Soba Set” – 三種蕎麦セット
All dishes in the ”Sanshu Soba Set” – 三種蕎麦セットの全容
Three kind of Soba in the set – セットの中の三種類の蕎麦
“Inari Sushi” and “Ohitashi”
(*) Inari sushi is a kind of sushi made by simmering fried tofu with soy sauce and sugar and stuffing vinegared rice in the fried tofu. “Ohitashi” is made by lightly boiling seasonal vegetables and seasoning them with sesame, bonito flakes, and soy sauce. Each restaurant has its own cooking method, and you can enjoy different delicious tastes.
“Torijiru Tsukesoba” – 鶏汁つけ蕎麦
”Torijiru Tsukesoba” was dipping cold soba served on pottery dish with dipping soup served in small iron pot on fire. My companion ordered “Zosui Set” (rice porridge set) additionally. This was the ingredients for making rice porridge with the dipping soup after eating soba, and it was rice, eggs and seaweed.
“Torijiru” – 鶏汁
The following description was on the menu.
“We use “Banshu Hyakunichidori”. (“Banshu” 100 days chicken)
(*) “Banshu Hyakudori” would be a chicken limited to the Banshu region that is fattened for about 100 days after hatching from the egg. The production area is only in Takagun, Hyogo, where this restaurant is located.
Soba – 蕎麦
Egg for “Zosui” – 雑炊セットの卵
“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯
Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす
Tables facing the window through garden – 庭に面した窓際のテーブル
Interior decoration – 室内の装飾
Inside the soba-making workshop – 蕎麦打ち作業場の様子
My impression – 感想
I would say “Amazing”.
Information – 情報
Occasion I visited – 私の訪問状況
For Lunch. (Date of Visit: Feb. 2023)
Lunch for four on Sunday. I headed to this soba restaurant by car.
Location – 所在地
Teuchisobadokoro RYUGENAN
Location: Kamikukannonji, Takaguntakacho, Hyogo 679-1338 Japan
手打ち蕎麦処 龍玄庵
所在地:〒679-1338 兵庫県多可郡多可町加美区観音寺
Access – アクセス
To Teuchisobadokoro RYUGENAN, I set the navigation and went by car.
Go north on National Route 427 in Taka-cho, turn right at the intersection of “JA Kami”, cross a bridge over the Sugihara River, turn left along the road, and keep going. You will reach a intersection where you will see a third bridge on your left. The restaurant can be seen around the right side of the intersection. Turn right and you will arrive at “Ryugenan”. There was the parking lot on the left.
「手打ち蕎麦処 龍玄庵」へは、ナビをセットして車で行きました。
Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.