Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問

One Saturday morning in September, when the heat was still lingering, the weather was fine, so I thought I’d like to visit this highly rated soba restaurant, “KYOUTAKUTEI [The Soba Restaurant] Ishiusubiki Teuchi”. Taking the train to explore the Kagurazaka area, I arrived before the restaurant opened. Because it is a popular soba restaurant, several groups were already waiting. Luckily, I was able to get in as soon as the soba restaurant opened.
I will introduce the dishes and impressions of the restaurant KYOUTRAKUTEI here.

残暑が残る9月のある土曜日の朝、天気が良かったので評価が非常に高いこのお店、「蕎楽亭 石臼挽き手打ち」へ行きたいなと思いたち、電車で出かけて神楽坂界隈を散策しました。開店時間前に到着したのですが、事前情報のとおり、人気のお蕎麦屋さんのため、既に数組の人が待っていました。運よく開店と同時に直ぐに入ることが出来ました。

Entrance of KYOURAKUTEI [The Soba Restaurant] before open – 蕎楽亭 石臼挽き手打 の入口 開店前の支度中

Dishes I odered – 私が頼んだ料理

It was a Saturday lunch alone, and it was hot outside, so I decided to choose from the most orthodox cold soba menu.
On the menu, “Value Lunch Sets” were lined up. In addition, “Recommendations of the Season” were also lined up. Meanwhile, I ordered the “Ebi Tenzaru” consist of “Zaru Soba” (Cold Soba served on bamboo tray) and “Ebi Tempura” (Tempura of “Saimaki” prawn and 3 kind of vegetables)”. It seemed to be the most standard menu item of this soba restaurant. I requested that the soba noodles be changed to “Nishoku Soba” (2 type of soba (Normal Soba & “Inaka” Soba)” were on 1 tray).

メニューには、お得なランチセットが並んでいた。また、「季節のおすすめ」も並んでいた。そんな中、「海老 天ざる(才巻海老と野菜3品)」を注文した。このお蕎麦屋さんの最も定番メニューなような感じ。お蕎麦は「二色そば(ざる&田舎)」に変更してもらうようお願いした。

“Ebi Tenzaru” – 海老 天ざる(才巻海老と野菜3品)

“Ebi Tenzaru” by KYOURAKUTEI” – 蕎楽亭の 海老 天ざる(才巻海老と野菜3品)

”Nishoku Soba” – 二色蕎麦(ざる&田舎)

“Nishoku Soba” – 二色そば(ざる&田舎)
Closed up of “Nishoku Soba” – 二色そば(ざる&田舎)のクローズアップ

“Saimaki” prawn and vegetable tempura – 才巻海老と野菜のてんぷら

“Saimaki” prawn and vegetable tempura – 才巻海老と野菜のてんぷら

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯
Surface fo Soba-Yu – 蕎麦湯の表面

Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす

Counter seats in the front – カウンター席の様子

The right front of the restaurant was the open kitchen, and there was counter seats facing it. I was given a seat in the counter seat. There was table seats on the left side of the restaurant.

KYOURAKUTEI’s Counter seats in the front – 蕎楽亭のカウンター席の様子
Counter seats in the back and Open Kitchen – 奥のカウンター席の様子とオープンキッチン

Cooking in the open kitchen – オープンキッチンでの調理の様子

Cooking in the open kitchen – オープンキッチンでの調理の様子

My impression – 感想

I would say “Amazing”.
When I visit next time, I would like to order and taste a la carte dishes other than soba noodles that are lined up on the menu.


Information – 情報

Occasion I visited – 私の訪問状況

For Lunch. (Date of Visit: Sep. 2022)
Weekend Saturday morning walk alone. I took a train to Iidabashi with this soba restaurant as my destination, and took a walk around Kagurazaka area alone.


Location – 所在地

Location: Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0825 Japan
所在地:〒162-0825  東京都新宿区神楽坂

Access – アクセス

To KYOURAKUTEI, I walked slowly and arrived in 5 or 6 minutes from Iidabashi station.

Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.


