One afternoon in mid-September, nearing the equinox, I went to the highly rated restaurant “Soba ROUJINA” alone for lunch. It was 1pm when we arrived. There was no one waiting outside, so when I opened the door and went inside, I was lucky enough to be immediately guided to the counter. Here I would like to introduce the restaurant’s dishes and my impressions.
9月中旬のお彼岸が近づいたある日の昼、私は評価が高いこのお店「蕎麦 ろうじな」へ一人でランチに行きました。到着したのは13時でした。外で待っていた人はいなく、戸を開けて中に入ると、私は運よく直ぐにカウンターに案内されました。

Dishes I odered – 私が頼んだ料理
(note): The description includes the author’s imagination and interpretation. With that in mind, please enjoy this blog.
I entered the restaurant and looked at the menu. As cold soba menu, “Mori soba”, “Ume Oroshi soba” (Soba topped with grated daikon and paste of pickled plum), “Hiyashi tanuki (agetama)”, “Hari soba (sudachi)”, and “Hiyashi kamo nanban” (Chilled duck soup soba with sliced duck meat and green onion) were lined up.
As warm soba menu, “Kake soba”, “Tamago toji soba”, and “Kamo nanban” (Duck soup soba with sliced duck and green onion) were lined up.
There was also “Ohirugentei Lunch Set” available only during lunch time. It was set of mori soba, seasoned rice with fried tofu and ginger, “ohitashi” (boiled seasoned vegetable with “namayuba” (bean curd skin)), “dashimaki tamago” (Japanese omlette), and pickled vegetables.
In addition, the menu stated, “Today’s soba is 100 percent soba from Ono, Fukui Prefecture.It is stone-ground and home-made flour.Enjoy the aroma of freshly ground soba.”
The “Ohirugentei Lunch Set” seemed to be recommended, so I ordered it.
“Ohirugentei Lunch Set” – お昼限定ランチセット
All items of “Ohirugentei Lunch Set” – お昼限定ランチセットの全品

Morisoba – もりそば

Seasoned rice with fried tofu and ginger – 生姜とお揚げの炊き込みご飯

“Ohitashi” (boiled seasoned vegetable with “namayuba” (bean curd skin)) – おひたし

Dashimaki tamago (Japanese omlette) – だしまき玉子

Pickled vegetables – 香のもの

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯
Surface of “Soba-Yu” – 蕎麦湯の表面

My impression – 感想
I would say “Great taste”.
Information – 情報
Occasion I visited – 私の訪問状況
For Lunch. (Date of Visit: Sep. 2023)
Lunch alone on a weekday. At Kyoto Station, I took a detour to this soba restaurant as my destination.
Location – 所在地
Location: 691 Maruyacho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto 604-0917 Japan
蕎麦 ろうじな
所在地:〒604-0917 京都府京都市中京区夷川通寺町西入丸屋町691
Access – アクセス
To get to Soba ROUJINA, I took the Kyoto City Subway Karasuma Line from Kyoto Station. I arrived at Karasuma-Oike Station in about 5 minutes, transferred to the Tozai Line, and arrived at Kyoto Shiyakusho-mae Station in about 2 minutes. I got off here and walked from the station. From Kyoto Shiyakusho-mae Station, I walked north along Teramachi-dori street, turned left (west) at Ebisugawa-dori street, and immediately arrived at Soba Roujina. It was about a 10 minute walk from the station.
「蕎麦 ろうじな」へは、京都駅から京都市営地下鉄烏丸線に5分ほど乗り、烏丸御池駅で東西線に乗換えて、2分ほどで京都市役所前駅に到着、ここで降りて駅から歩きました。
京都市役所前駅からは、寺町通を北に歩き、夷川通を左(西)へ曲がると直ぐに「蕎麦 ろうじな」に到着しました。駅から歩いて10分ほどでした。
Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.