One Sunday in mid-September, when autumn clouds were spreading across the sky, I decided to have lunch at “Teuchisoba HANAMOMO”, a restaurant with a high reputation in Kyoto. It was a little after 12:30 when we arrived. I put my name on the waiting list that was hanging next to the entrance door and waited outside. After waiting for a while, we were shown to the counter on the second floor.
Here I would like to introduce the restaurant’s dishes and my impressions.
秋の雲が空に広がる9月のお彼岸を過ぎたある日曜日、京都で評判の高いこのお店「手打ちそば 花もも」でランチにすることにしました。到着したのは12時半を少し過ぎていた時間でした。店の入口横に吊るしてあったウエイティングリストに名前を記入して、外でしばらく待つと、私たちは2階のカウンターに案内されました。

Dishes we odered – 私たちが頼んだ料理
(note): The description includes the author’s imagination and interpretation. With that in mind, please enjoy this blog. The notes following * were written on the menu
The first item on the cold soba menu was “Sudachi Soba”, which is probably a seasonal recommendation. And following standard items were lined up.
“Zaru soba”
“Inaka Soba” * A thick soba with cuticles. Taste by chewing. We also recommend tasting it with just salt.
“Oroshi Soba” * Enjoy with the spicy grated daikon radish as a condiment. Please adjust the amount of grated radish by yourself.
“Kamozaru Soba” * Style of dipping soba in warm duck soup. Goes well with inaka soba.
“2nd dish soba” * Only soba is served. It is possible in “Zaru” or in “Inaka”. Neither “Tsuyu” (dipping sauce) or condiments are included.
The hot soba menu included “Kake Soba”, “Kamaage Soba”, “Hanamaki Soba”, “Tororo Soba”, “Nishin Soba”, “Kamo Nanban”, “Mizore Soba”, and “Yuba Soba”.
Also, it was possible to order a large portion (1.5 times the amount).
Meanwhile, I ordered the standard “Zaru Soba” and, as 2nd dish soba, “Inaka Soba”, and my companion ordered “Sudachi Soba”.
田舎そば *甘皮入りの太めのそばです。噛んで味わってください。塩のみで味わうのもオススメです。おろしそば *きりっとした辛さの大根おろしを薬味で。おろしの量は加減してください。
鴨ざるそば *温かい鴨のつゆにそばをつけるスタイルです。田舎そばの相性よい。
2枚目のそば *そばのみ(つゆ・薬味は無し)
また、大盛り(量は1.5倍)で注文が可能であった。* ざるでも田舎でも可能。
Zaru Soba – ざるそば
All items of Zaru Soba – ざるそばの全品

Close-up of Zaru Soba – ざるそばのクローズアップ

Inaka Soba as 2nd dish soba – 2枚目そばの田舎そば
Inaka soba was served as the second dish soba. Salt was served with Inaka soba.

Close-up of Inaka soba – 田舎そばのクローズアップ

Condiments and Salt – 薬味と塩
As condiments, chopped green onions and wasabi were served on a small plate for zaru soba. Salt was served for Inaka soba.

Sudachi Soba – すだちそば

Close-up of Sudachi Soba – すだちそばのクローズアップ

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯

Surface of “Soba-Yu” – 蕎麦湯の表面

Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす
Tatami room on the second floor – 2階の座敷

Counter facing the window – 窓際のカウンター

Low table in the 2nd floor tatami room – 2階座敷のテーブル

HANAMOMO drawn on the nameplate – 表札の花もも

My impression – 感想
I would say “Elegant and Wonderful taste”.
Information – 情報
Occasion I visited – 私の訪問状況
For Lunch. (Date of Visit: Sep. 2023)
Lunch for two on Sunday. After visiting a temple in Kyoto on the equinox, I took the Kyoto City Subway from JR Kyoto Station to this restaurant.
Location – 所在地
Teuchisoba HANAMOMO
Location: 398 Konbuyacho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto 620-0221 Japan
手打ちそば 花もも
所在地:〒604-0986 京都市中京区丸太町通麩屋町西入ル昆布屋町398
Access – アクセス
To get to Teuchisoba HANAMOMO, we took the Kyoto City Subway from JR Kyoto Station, got off at Marutamachi Station, and walked from there. It took about 10 minutes to walk slowly from the station.
While walking from the station to the restaurant, there was a Kyoto city bus stop called “Saibansho-mae” near the soba restaurant. There seemed to be buses running through Kawaramachi Sanjo (route 10) and Gion (route 202), and other buses.
「手打ちそば 花もも」へは、JR京都駅から京都市営地下鉄に乗って、丸太町駅で降りてそこから歩きました。駅からゆっくり歩いて10分ほどで到着しました。
Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.