One day in late September, when the lingering summer heat was starting to ease, I was on my way to Mizushima and suddenly thought I’d like to go to “Sobadokoro DEN”, a highly rated restaurant. I was worried that the soba noodles would be sold out since I was likely to arrive after noon, but I decided to walk from the station. I arrived at the restaurant after 1pm and was able to eat soba.
Here I would like to introduce the dishes and impressions of “Sobadokoro DEN”.
残暑が和らぎ始めた9月おわりのある日、水島への途中、評価が非常に高いこのお店「そば処 田」へ行きたいなとふと思いました。昼を過ぎた時間に到着となりそうだったので、蕎麦が売り切れていないかどうか心配でしたが、駅から歩いて向かいました。レストランには午後1時過ぎに到着し、おそばを食べることが出来ました。
ここに「そば処 田」のお料理と感想を紹介させていただきます。
Dishes I odered – 私が頼んだ料理
(note): The description includes the author’s imagination and interpretation. With that in mind, please enjoy this blog.
Looking at the menu, the first heading was “Recommended by the owner”, which included followings:
> “Soba Gaki” (Buckwheat Mash): a simple, nostalgic flavor;
> “Kamo Zaru Soba” (Dipping Cold Soba with “Kamojiru” soup (Dipping soup seasoning by duck containing duck meat and green onion): made with Kyoto’s finest duck.
The next heading was “Cold soba”, which included “Zaru soba”, “Large size zaru soba”, “Karami Daikon soba” (Spicy radish soba), “Yamaimo Zaru Soba” (Zaru soba with grated Japanese yam) and others.
The next heading was “Warm soba”, which included “Karami Daikon Soba” (Soba topped with grated spicy daikon radish), “Yamakake Soba” (Soba topped with grated Japanese yam), “Sansai Soba” (Wild vegetable soba), and “Kamo Nanban Soba”.
Among them, I ordered the classic “Zaru Soba”.
Barley tea was served as soon as I sat down – 座ると直ぐに麦茶が出された
“Zaru Soba” – ざるそば
Soba noodle close-up – そばのクローズアップ
“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯
Surface of “Soba-Yu” – 蕎麦湯の表面
Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす
A table in front of a display cabinet decorated with glass vessels – ガラスの器が飾られた飾り棚の前のテーブル
Table by the wall – 壁際のテーブル
Big table by the window – 窓際の大きなテーブル
My impression – 感想
I would say “Superior”.
On my next visit, I would like to order and taste the “Kamo Zaru Soba” on the menu.
Information – 情報
Occasion I visited – 私の訪問状況
For Lunch. (Date of Visit: Sep. 2023)
On a weekday afternoon, on my way to Mizushima, I took a detour while changing trains at Kurashiki Station on the Sanyo Line, and walked alone towards this soba restaurant, “Sobadokoro DEN”.
平日の午後、水島へ向かう途中、山陽線の倉敷駅で電車を乗換える際に寄り道して、このお蕎麦屋さん「そば処 田」を目的地に一人でこのお店を目指して歩きました。
Location – 所在地
Sobadokoro DEN
Location: 13-4 2-chome, Chuo, Kurashiki, Okayama, 710-0046 Japan
そば処 田
所在地:〒710-0046 岡山県倉敷市中央2丁目13-4
Access – アクセス
To get to “Sobadokoro DEN”, I walked from JR Kurashiki Station on the Sanyo Line.
I walked straight south along the main street in front of the station until I came to the Chuo 1-chome intersection. After crossing that intersection, I turned right, walked about 20 meters, turned left at the second narrow road, and after about 20 meters there was an alley on the left, and when I entered there was a restaurant. I arrived there in about 15 or 20 minutes by walking slowly.
「そば処 田」へは、JR山陽線倉敷駅から歩きました。駅前の大通りをまっすぐ南へ進むと、「中央1丁目」の交差点がありました。その交差点を渡ってから右に曲がり、20mぐらい歩いて2本目の細い道を左へ曲がると20mほどで左側に路地があり、その路地を入るとお店がありました。徒歩でゆっくり歩いて15分か20分ほどで到着しました。
Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.