One overcast Sunday in October, while I was driving in Harima area, I found this very highly rated restaurant called “Teuchisoba NORIKURA” on the Internet, and I suddenly thought that I wanted to go there. Since I expected to arrive around noon, I was worried that it would be crowded. We arrived at the restaurant a little after 12pm, and when we looked at the waiting list, there were 5 groups waiting, so we put our names in and waited. We were shown to a table in about 15 minutes and were able to eat the soba.
Here I would like to introduce the dishes and impressions of “Teuchisoba NORIKURA”.
どんよりと曇った10月のある日曜日、播磨エリアをドライブの途中に、評価が非常に高いこの蕎麦屋「手打そば のりくら」を見つけ、ここへ行きたいなとふと思いました。ちょうど昼頃の到着となりそうで混雑しているかもとは思いましたが、ともかく行ってみました。レストランには午後12時過ぎに到着し、ウエイティングリストをみると5組待ちでしたが、名前を記入して待ちました。15分ほどでテーブルに案内され、おそばを食べることが出来ました。
ここに「手打そば のりくら」のお料理と感想を紹介させていただきます。

- Dishes I odered – 私が頼んだ料理
Dishes I odered – 私が頼んだ料理
Looking at the menu, there were 6 types of cold soba: “Zaru Soba”, “Oroshi Soba”, “Bukkake Soba”, “Tsuke Tororo Soba”, “Ten Zaru Soba”, “Kamojiru Soba”, and “Additional Soba”.
There were five types of warm soba: “Kake soba”, “Nishin soba”, “”Ontororo soba”, “Tempura soba”, and “Kamonanban”.
All types of soba could be made into large servings or small servings.
There were also set menus available only on weekdays, and evening menus that required reservations the day before.
There was also a sign on the wall saying “Juwari Soba” (limited quantity) (available only on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays), with the explanation that it was Kitawase (new soba) from Mashu, Hokkaido.
Among them, I ordered the classic “Tenzaru soba” with “Juwari Soba”.
Dipping Sauce, condiments, and 2 small dishs were served before the soba was ready – 蕎麦が来る前につけ汁と薬味、そして小鉢2品が配膳された

All items of “Tenzarusoba” – 天ざるそばの全品

”Zarusoba” (“Juwari Soba”) – ざるそば(十割そば)
Juwari soba made from Kitawase (new soba) from Mashu, Hokkaido

Soba noodle close-up – 蕎麦のクローズアップ

Tempura – 天ぷら

2 small dishes – 小鉢2品

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯

Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす
Sunken kotatsu table in a wooden floor room – 板の間の掘りごたつテーブル

Decoration like a small garden – 坪庭のような飾り

My impression – 感想
I would say “”Superior”.
Information – 情報
Occasion I visited – 私の訪問状況
Two of us visited for lunch. (Date of Visit: Oct. 2023)
While driving around the Himeji area just before noon on Sunday, I found this highly rated soba restaurant “Teuchisoba NORIKURA” on the internet, and headed there by car.
日曜日の昼前、姫路エリアをドライブしている途中、評判の高いこのお蕎麦屋さん「手打そば のりくら」をネット情報で見つけ、ここを目的地に車で向かいました。
Location – 所在地
Teuchisoba NORIKURA
Location: 40-1 1-chome, Otsukutenjinmachi, Himeji, Hyogo 671-1131 Japan
手打そば のりくら
所在地:〒671-1131 兵庫県姫路市大津区天神町1丁目40-1
Access – アクセス
To get to “Teuchisoba NORIKURA”, I set the navigation and went by car.
I drove west on National Route 250 near Shikama in Himeji City, turned right north at the “Azuma 2-chome” intersection, drove about 500 meters, turned left at the “Takahama-cho” intersection, and drove about 600 meters. I arrived at “Teuchisoba NORIKURA”. There was a parking lot on both sides of the restaurant.
「手打そば のりくら」へは、ナビをセットして車で行きました。
姫路市内飾磨あたりの国道250号線を西へ進み、「吾妻2丁目」の交差点を北へ右折して500mほど走り、「高浜町」の交差点を左折して600mほどで、「手打そば のりくら」に到着しました。お店の横両側が駐車場になっていました。
Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.