On a weekend in early December, we went to the highly rated soba restaurant “Teuchisobadokoro JINENJOAN” for lunch. It was around 12:00 when we arrived. There was one group waiting outside, so I wrote my name on the list and waited, and was shown to a table in about 15 minutes.
Here I would like to introduce the restaurant’s dishes and my impressions.
12月はじめの週末、評価が高いこのお店「手打ちそば処 自然薯庵」へランチに行きました。到着したのは12時頃でした。外で1組が待っていたので、リストに名前を書いて待つと、15分ほどでテーブルに案内されました。

Dishes we odered – 私たちが頼んだ料理
(note): The description includes the author’s imagination and interpretation. With that in mind, please enjoy this blog.
I entered the restaurant and looked at the menu.
There were three types of cold soba: zaru soba, tororo soba (using “Yamanoimo” a kind of Japanese yam, which is Tamba Sasayama specialty), and tempura soba (vegetable tempura), and each soba can be made into a large serving.
There were three types of warm soba (not available in large serving): kake soba, tororo soba, and tempura soba (vegetable tempura).
Meanwhile, I ordered Tenzaru soba and my partner ordered Tororo soba.
Tororo Soba – とろろそば
All items of tororo soba – とろろそばの全品

Soba – そば

Tororo – とろろ
The tororo was made with “Yamanoimo” a kind of Japanese yam, which is a specialty of Tanba Sasayama.

Tenzaru Soba – 天ざるそば
All items of Tenzaru Soba – 天ざるそばの全品

Soba – そば

Close-up of Soba – そばのクローズアップ

Vegetable tempura – 野菜の天ぷら

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯

Surface of “Soba-Yu” – 蕎麦湯の表面

Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす
Low table in tatami room – 座敷のテーブル

Table by the window – 窓際のテーブル

Sunken kotatsu table in front of the stove – ストーブの前の掘りごたつテーブル

Decorations inside the restaurant – 店内の飾り

My impression – 感想
I would say “Superb rustic taste”.
Information – 情報
Location – 所在地
Teuchisobadokoro JINENJOAN (Tambasasayama)
Location: 947-8 Mananjokami, Tambasasayama, Hyogo 669-2462 Japan
手打ちそば処 自然薯庵(丹波篠山)
所在地:〒669-2462 兵庫県丹波篠山市真南条上947-8
Access – アクセス
To Teuchisobadokoro JINENJOAN , I set the navigation and drove.
From National Route 176 in Tanba-Sasayama City, take National Route 372 towards Kameoka at the Hagano intersection, drive east for about 5km, and then turn left at the corner where a small sign of the restaurant is on the corner. The restaurant was down the small street.
「手打ちそば処 自然薯庵」へは、ナビをセットして車で行きました。
Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.