Nejikisoba in Time House – ねじき蕎麦 in 時夢間(タイムハウス)

Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問

On a Saturday morning in early April, we drove to this highly rated restaurant, Nejikisoba in Time House, for lunch. we arrived before 11:00 a.m., during preparations. No one was waiting outside and we were lucky enough to be shown to a table as soon as they opened. Then, revisited in December.
I will introduce the dishes and impressions of the restaurant here.

4月の始めの土曜日の昼、私たちは評価が高いこのお店「ねじき蕎麦 in 時夢間(タイムハウス)」へ4人でランチに車で行きました。到着したのは昼の11時前で支度中の時間でした。外で待っていた人はいなく、私たちは運よく開店と同時にテーブルに案内されました。その後、12月に再訪しました。

Nejikisoba in Time House- ねじき蕎麦 in 時夢間(タイムハウス)

Dishes we odered – 私たちが頼んだ料理

We entered the restaurant and looked at the menu. The contents of the dish were shown with cute pictures.
There were cold soba, hot soba, and set menus “Nejikino Sato” and “Nejikino Tomo” with side dishes for soba. I ordered “Nejikino Tomo” and “Yakishishiniku” (Grilled Boar Meat).


“Nejikino Tomo” and “Yakishishiniku” – 「ねじきのとも」と焼き猪肉

“Nejikino Tomo” was a set of cold soba, venison boiled in sweet and spicy sauce, deep-fried soba with mushroom sauce, seasonal rice, and pickles. The seasonal rice at this time was rice cooked with edible wild plants, carrots, and fried tofu. “Yakishishiniku” (Grilled boar meat) was an additional order.


“Nejikino Tomo” and “Yakishishiniku” (Grilled boar meat) (Apr. 2022) – 「ねじきのとも」と焼き猪肉(2022年4月)

“Reisoba” (Dipping Cold Soba with dipping sauce) – 冷そば

“Reisoba” (Dipping Cold Soba with dipping sauce) – 冷そば

Soba – 蕎麦

Tempra – 天ぷら

“Nejikino Tomo” and “Yakishishiniku” – 「ねじきのとも」と焼き猪肉

This season’s rice was white rice. Probably it was newly harvested rice. It was sprinkled with sesame salt.


“Nejikino Tomo” and “Yakishishiniku” (December, 2022) – 「ねじきのとも」と焼き猪肉(2022年12月)

3 side dishes in the set – セットの中の三種類のサイドディッシュ

Venison boiled in sweet and spicy sauce – 鹿肉の甘辛煮
Deep-fried soba with mushroom sauce – 揚げそばのきのこのあんかけ
“Kisetsuno Gohan” – 季節のごはん

“Yakishishiniku” and “Kisetsuno Onigiri” – 焼き猪肉と季節のおにぎり

“Yakishishiniku” (Grilled boar meat) and “Kisetsuno Onigiri” (Seasonal rice balls) that we ordered additionally.

“Yakishishiniku” (Grilled boar meat)- 焼き猪肉
“Kisetsuno Onigiri” – 季節のおにぎり

“Nejikino Tomo” with Hot Soba – 温そばの「ねじきのとも」

“Nejikino Tomo” where the soba was changed to hot soba. From October to April, we can choose hot soba for the set menu.

“Nejikino Tomo” with Hot Soba – 温そばの「ねじきのとも」

“Onsoba”(Hot Soba) – 温そば

“Onsoba”(Hot Soba) – 温そば

Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす

Wooden Table and Chair with Warmth – 温もりを感じる木のテーブルとイス

Wooden Table and Chair with Warmth – 温もりを感じる木のテーブルとイス

Interior decoration – 室内の装飾

Interior decoration – 室内の装飾

Soba-making workshop in the back – 蕎麦打ち作業場は奥にあった

Soba-making workshop in the back – 蕎麦打ち作業場は奥にあった

My impression – 感想

I would say “Space full of nature”.


Information – 情報

Occasion I visited – 私の訪問状況

For Lunch. (Date of Visit: Apr. 2022 & Dec. 2022)
Lunch for four on Saturday in April. We headed to this soba restaurant by car. Then revisited on Sunday in December.
ランチで伺いました。(訪問日:2022年4月 と2022年12月)

Location – 所在地

Location: Nejiki, Kondachokuroishi, Tambasasayama, Hyogo 669-2162 Japan
ねじき蕎麦 in 時夢間(タイムハウス)
所在地:〒669-2162  兵庫県丹波篠山市今田町黒石ねじき

Access – アクセス

To get to “Nejikisoba in Time House”, I set up my car navigation system and drove there.
From the Honjo intersection of National Route 372 (Dekansho Kaido) and Prefectural Route 141 (Kuroishi Mita Line), drive north on Prefectural Route 141 for about 5km and we arrived. Just before Kuroishi Dam.

「ねじき蕎麦 in 時夢間(タイムハウス)」へは、ナビをセットして車で行きました。

Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.


