One day in mid-August, we went to the popular restaurant, Goro Hachiro, for lunch. When we arrived a little after 12:30, there was no one waiting outside and we were lucky to be shown straight to a booth seat. Here I’d like to share with you the food at the restaurant and my impressions.
8月半ばのある日、評判が高いこのお店「生麺工房 五郎八郎」へランチに行きました。12時半少し過ぎに到着した時、外には誰も待っておらず、私たちは運よく直ぐにボックス席に案内されました。

Dishes we odered – 私たちが頼んだ料理
(note): The description includes the author’s imagination and interpretation. With that in mind, please enjoy this blog.
The menu was varied, including cold soba, hot soba, udon, toppings, rice dishes, tempura, soba restaurant curry and seasonal specials.
Cold soba included Zaru Goro 28 (made of 80% buckwheat flour) soba, Juwari (made of 100% buckwheat flour) Goro soba, Tororo (topping with grated Japanese yam) soba, Oroshi (topping with grated daikon radish) soba, Tenzaru soba, Zaru-tsuke kamo (duck) soba, and Sanshoku (three kind topping soba: tororo, daikon oroshi, and ume) soba.
Hot soba included Kamo nanban soba, Tempura soba, Tanuki soba, Meat soba, Curry soba, and Kakesoba. For each menu, you could change to a large serving of noodles or Juwari (100% buckwheat) soba for an additional fee.
I ordered the Juwari Goro soba, and my partner ordered the Sanshoku soba.
Juwari Goro Soba – 十割五郎蕎麦
All items of Juwari Goro Soba – 十割五郎蕎麦の全品

Juwari soba – 十割蕎麦

Close-up of Juwari soba – 十割蕎麦のクローズアップ

Sanshoku Soba (Juwari soba) – 三色そば(十割そば)
The soba noodles were changed to Juwari (100% buckwheat flour) soba.
All items of Sanshoku Soba (Juwari soba) – 三色そば(十割そば)の全品
The style is to pour the tsuyu (dipping sauce) over the soba and eat it.

Daikon Oroshi topping – 大根おろし

Ume (Plum paste) – 梅

Tororo – とろろ

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯

Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす
Booth near the entrance – 入口すぐのボックス席

Table in the room to the left of the entrance – 入口左側の部屋のテーブル

My impression – 感想
I would say “subtle taste”.
Information – 情報
Location – 所在地
Namamenkobo Gorohachiro
Location: 271-1 Shimomura, Hiranocho, Nishi-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 651-2251 Japan
生麺工房 五郎八郎
所在地:〒651-2251 兵庫県神戸市西区平野町下村275-1
Access – アクセス
To get to “Namamenkobo Gorohachiro”, I set up the navigation and drove to.
It was just a few minutes’ drive from the Tamatsu Interchange on the Daini Shinmei Road. From the Tamatsu Interchange exit, I drove about 2km north on National Route 175 towards Miki and found the shop. There was a parking lot just before the restaurant.
「生麺工房 五郎八郎」へは、ナビをセットして車で行きました。
Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.