Kaorutsukesoba SOBANA (Tomakomai) – 香るつけ蕎麦 蕎麦花(苫小牧)

Best Soba Restaurant Visit- 蕎麦屋名店訪問

One day in mid-October, when autumn was deepening and the sun remained warm, I had to go to Tomakomai for some business, and I suddenly thought that I would like to take the opportunity to visit this very highly rated restaurant “Kaorutsukesoba SOBANA”. I walked there from JR Tomakomai Station. I arrived at the restaurant about 10 minutes after 2pm and was able to enter the restaurant safely.
I will introduce the dishes and impressions of the restaurant “Kaorutsukesoba SOBANA” here.

秋が深まる中、温かい日差しが残る10月半ばのある日、苫小牧へ出かける用事があり、その機会に評価が非常に高いこのお店「香るつけ蕎麦 蕎麦花」へ行きたいなとふと思いました。JR苫小牧駅から歩いて向かいました。レストランには午後2時過ぎに到着し、何とかラストオーダー前にお店に入ることが出来ました。
ここに、このレストラン「香るつけ蕎麦 蕎麦花」のお料理と感想を紹介させていただきます。

Kaorutsukesoba SOBANA (Tomakomai) – 香るつけ蕎麦 蕎麦花(苫小牧)

Dishes I odered – 私が頼んだ料理

(note): The description contains the author’s imagination and interpretation. With that in mind, please enjoy this blog.

The menu included “Tsukesoba” (soba with warm dipping sauce), cold soba, warm soba, and rice dishes.
The following items and descriptions were written on the “Tukesoba” menu.

1. “Pirikaradori no Nikutsuke Soba”: The soba is topped with shredded green onions, chopped seaweed, and sesame seeds and served in a bowl. The dipping sauce is made from stewed chicken thighs and chili oil is added to give it a spicy kick. When you dip the soba noodles and toppings into the sauce and eat it, you can enjoy the aftertaste of the rich bonito flakes and chicken stock.

2. “Kunseikaoru Kamonotsukeseiro”: The soba is served on seiro (steamer). The dipping sauce has the smoky flavor of duck loin smoked with whiskey barrel chips and buckwheat.

3: “Shibireru Gyuu Tsukesoba”: The soba is topped with shredded green onions, chopped seaweed, and sesame seeds and served in a bowl. The dipping sauce is made with homemade spicy sauce and beef tendon and simmered in the sauce to bring out the flavor. By sprinkling szechuan pepper chili oil as a finishing touch, this soba noodles will give you a “numbing” sensation you’ve never experienced before.

4: “SOBANA Tsukeseiro”: The soba is served on seiro (steamer). Homemade duck loin smoked with whiskey barrel chips and buckwheat. This is a signature dish that expresses the SOBANA concept, which brings out four types of mushrooms, duck meatballs, and the three major amino acids that give umami to the fullest. You can enjoy the deep flavor with many layers. First, enjoy the delicious aroma of the dipping sauce when you open the lid of the iron kettle before enjoying your meal.

Cold soba menu includes “Mori Seiro”, “Zaru Seiro”, “Yamatoimo Tororo Bukkake Soba”, “Baisen Kinomi Tsukeseiro”, “Gyuu no Pirikara Nikutsukesoba”.

Here, I ordered the standard moriseiro as my first dish, and the numbing soba with beef tendon as my second dish.


1. ぴり辛鶏の肉つけ蕎麦:濃厚な蕎麦つゆで鶏もも肉を煮込んだラー油入りのつけダレ。

2. 燻製香る鴨つけせゐろ:ウィスキー樽のチップと蕎麦の実で燻した鴨ロースのスモーキーな味わいがつけ汁に香る鴨せいろ。

3. 痺れる牛すじつけ蕎麦:自家製のピリ辛だれと、牛すじをつけダレで煮込んで旨みを引き出しました。仕上げに花椒を振りかけることで今まで味わったことのないような”シビレる”お蕎麦を体感できます。

4. 蕎麦花つけせゐろ:ウィスキー樽のチップと蕎麦の実で燻した自家製の鴨ロース。4種類のキノコや鴨つくね、旨味の三大アミノ酸を最大限に引き出した蕎麦花コンセプトをを表現した看板商品です。何層にも重なった深みのある味わいを堪能できます。まずは、鉄瓶の蓋を開けた時のつけ汁の美味しい香りを愉しんでからお召し上がりください。


“Moriseiro” – もりせゐろ

Soba served on ”Seiro” – せゐろに載った蕎麦

The menu explains that “Our soba is coarsely ground Nihachi soba from Rankoshi, Hokkaido. The rough surface of the noodles allows the soba sauce to adhere well to the noodles, making it a thick type of soba where you can feel the flavor of the sauce and the aroma of soba as you chew.”


“Moriseiro” – もりせゐろ

Soba noodle close-up – そばのクローズアップ

Soba noodle close-up – そばのクローズアップ

“Sibireru Gyuu Tsukesoba” – 痺れる牛すじつけ蕎麦

All items of “Sibireru Gyuu Tsukesoba” – 痺れる牛すじつけ蕎麦の全品

All items of “Sibireru Gyuu Ttsukesoba” – 痺れる牛すじつけ蕎麦の全品

Homemade spicy sauce made with stewed beef tendon – 牛すじを煮込んだ自家製のピリ辛だれ

Homemade spicy sauce made with stewed beef tendon – 牛すじを煮込んだ自家製のピリ辛だれ

Soba noodle close-up – そばのクローズアップ

Soba noodle close-up – そばのクローズアップ

Raw egg and Szechuan Paper Chili oil – 生玉子と花椒入りラー油

I didn’t add the Szechuan paper chili oil to the dipping sauce at first, but added it after I had eaten half of the soba noodles.


Raw egg and Szechuan Paper Chili oil – 生玉子と花椒入りラー油

Raw egg placed on soba – 蕎麦に生玉子を載せたところ

The wait staff at the restaurant told me that adding raw egg to the noodles would give it a mellower taste, so I cracked the raw egg and added it to the soba noodles.


Raw egg placed on soba – 蕎麦に生玉子を載せたところ

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯

“Soba-Yu”(Soba Hot Water in which soba noodle have been boiled) – 蕎麦湯
Surface of “Soba-Yu” – 蕎麦湯の表面
Surface of “Soba-Yu” – 蕎麦湯の表面

Inside of the Restaurant – お店の中のようす

Bar – カウンター席

Bar – カウンター席

Tables in the back – 奥のテーブル席

Tables in the back – 奥のテーブル席

Booth – ボックス席

Booth – ボックス席

My impression – 感想

I would say “Taste of cherishing Aroma”.


Information – 情報

Occasion I visited – 私の訪問状況

For Lunch. (Date of Visit: Oct. 2023)
Lunch alone on the way to Tomakomai. I walked from JR Tomakomai Station to this soba restaurant as my destination.


Location – 所在地

Kaorutsukesoba SOBANA
Location: 1-16 1-chome, Ojimachi, Tomakomai, Hokkaido 053-0027 Japan
香るつけ蕎麦 蕎麦花
所在地:〒053-0027  北海道苫小牧市王子町1丁目1-16

Access – アクセス

To Kaorutsukesoba SOBANA, I walked from the JR Tomakomai Station. I walked straight south along the road in front of the station police box in south exit station square, and there was the restaurant on the right. I walked slowly and arrived in about 10 minutes.

「香るつけ蕎麦 蕎麦花」へは、JR苫小牧駅から歩きました。南口駅前広場から、駅前交番の前の道を南へ真っすぐ行くと右側に、そのお店はありました。ゆっくり歩いて10分ほどで到着しました。

Thank you for visiting.
I hope you enjoyed it. I’m happy if you got something even a little.


